Getting Started
Setting up the local environment and workspace
This guide explains how to set up your environment for Vue development using
the Vue tool. It includes information about prerequisites, installing
this, creating an initial workspace and starter app, and running that app
locally to verify your setup.
For getting started an Vue Application you needs 3 things as Prerequisites.
To use the Vue Framework, you should be familiar with the following:
Knowledge of Modern JS is helpful.
To install Vue on your local System, you need the following:
Familiarity with the command line
Install Node.js version 16.0 or higher
Download latest version of node.js from
Install Node.js using downloaded file.
To check your node version, run node -v in a terminal/console window (cmd)
Npm package Manager
The Vue applications depend on npm packages for
many features and functions.
To download and install npm packages, you need an npm package
This guide uses the npm client command line interface, which is installed with
Node.js by default.
To check that you have the npm client installed, run npm -v in a
terminal/console window (cmd)
It sets up your development environment so that you can use the latest JavaScript features,
provides a nice developer experience, and optimizes your app for production.
For better understanding Vue we suggest you once go through official
documentation of vue from